Rained about 1.5” in the last 24 hours (Jan 6). Went to see what San Pedro Creek looked like flowing into the ocean at these flows. And if the City’s temporary sewage overflow reservoirs were working.
The creek was wide and brown. There is still a bunch of sand on the beach at the outfall, so the creek ran shallow and wide into the ocean. This is very different than what we;ll see later in the winter, when the sand is gone and the creek cuts a deeper channel into the rocks. Each summer the sand is brought in, and each winter it is taken offshore. Still a bunch of sand inshore.
The City of Pacifica’s reservoir system was not working and raw sewage was pouring from the south pump station outfall directly into the ocean.
There were a few surfers out, enjoying the waves and tolerating the Creek’s pollution and Pacifica’s raw sewage.
We need to work to improve both sources (creek and pump station) for all users of the beach.,